by Evan | Oct 23, 2023 | trivida news
Using trivida wheels means that many people who use a wheelchair can transfer independently. Due to the decrease in paid care, the cost savings in Australia (June 2023) currently range from $1047.79.40 to $1781.25 per week.
by Evan | Oct 23, 2023 | trivida news
In a recent clinical trial 90% of the study participants attest that the transfer with the trivida® wheel is made significantly easier. It reduces problems such as insecurity, slipping, obstruction by the wheelchair.
by Evan | Oct 23, 2023 | trivida news
For many carers and medical professionals there is a significant strain on their body when lifting and supporting people. The trivida® wheel has been specifically designed to reduce the need for lifting.
by Evan | Oct 17, 2023 | trivida news
In Australia, there are approximately 193,600 people that use a wheelchair, and for many, trivida® wheels can mean the difference between being independent or needing a carer to lift them in and out of their wheelchair.