Clinical Trial Results
A clinical study achieved great results that demonstrate the positive benefits of the divisible wheelchair wheel.

Relief in everyday life

As part of the study, we were able to determine that the divisible wheelchair wheel is a real relief, especially for paraplegic wheelchair users.

The bike offers a high level of safety during the transfer, is also suitable for people who have limited motor skills due to multimorbidity and offers caring relatives and carers physical relief in everyday care.

Prof. Dr. B. Greitemann, study leader “Clinical evaluation, clinical testing, performance testing of the product trivida Rad” in 2021

 The results: Simply more security


Using the trivida® wheel can be described as a safe option. There were no technical problems during use and participants rated the safety of the transfer as safe compared to using their own wheelchair.

Fewer transfer problems

90 percent of the study participants confirm that the trivida® bike makes transfers much easier. The use of trivida® reduces problems such as insecurity, slipping, obstruction caused by the wheelchair tire and the wheelchair’s instability during transfer.

Less dangers

The study showed a significant reduction in the risk potential in transfer situations thanks to the trivida® wheel. Slipping and injuries caused by sharp-edged wheelchair parts were seen as particularly dangerous when providing one’s own wheelchair, and increased wear and tear on clothing was also described.

High subjective benefit

The average benefit of the new wheel for improving transfer situations in everyday life was rated high by the participants, with an average value of 7.4 out of 10 possible points.

Easy to handle

All study participants rated the handling of the trivida® wheel as easy or very easy.

Independence, Mobility & Social Inclusion

A world first, award winning true invention and new to Australia the trivida® detachable wheelchair wheel allows wheelchair users to make an obstacle-free transfer – from and into the wheelchair – for the first time enhancing quality of life & independence for patient/users health outcomes.

Re-inventing the wheel in a good way!