Saving your back as a carer
For many carers and medical professionals there is a significant strain on their body when lifting and supporting people. The trivida® wheel has been specifically designed to reduce the need for lifting.

Saving your back as a carer

For many carers and medical professionals there is a significant strain on their body when lifting and supporting people, for example, to transfer from a wheelchair to a lounge, bed or dining chair.  This is the case for a paid or unpaid carer, a nurse, an OT or physiotherapist.

Lifting someone forward out of the wheelchair and then turning to move them to another seat or in/out of bed places a huge load on your back and whole body.  Over time this has an impact and for many medical professionals sadly means that they exit the industry.  For family and unpaid carers, there is often simply no other way and they continue these practices leading to acute and chronic injuries.

The trivida® wheel has been specifically designed to reduce the need for lifting, the top segment of the wheel can be removed allowing the wheelchair user to transfer across to a chair, bed or toilet.

There are so many benefits for a wheelchair user – increasing independence, maintaining upper body strength let alone increased social inclusion.  trivida wheels have the added benefit of easing physical requirements on carers to lift and strain their body multiple times as day.

This has been the case for Gregor, married to Erika who was left paralysed down one side following a stroke.  Gregor says: “Previously I had to lift my wife from the wheelchair for every transfer. With the trivida® wheel she hardly needs any assistance when changing seats today.  This is a great relief for me and my back.”

Independence, Mobility & Social Inclusion

A world first, award winning true invention and new to Australia the trivida® detachable wheelchair wheel allows wheelchair users to make an obstacle-free transfer – from and into the wheelchair – for the first time enhancing quality of life & independence for patient/users health outcomes.

Re-inventing the wheel in a good way!